What Are The Different Types Of UAE Work Visas?

UAE offers a variety of work visas tailored to different employment situations and professional requirements. Understanding the different types of UAE work visas can help you identify the most suitable option for your career goals. Explore here the primary types of UAE or Dubai work visa.

Employment visa:

Mainland employment visa:

The mainland employment visa is the most common work visa in the UAE. It is issued to individuals who have secured a job with a company located in the UAE mainland. This visa allows employees to work and reside anywhere within the UAE. The visa process involves securing a job offer, receiving initial approval from the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE), undergoing a medical fitness test, and obtaining a residence visa.

Free zone employment visa:

Free zone employment visas are issued to individuals working in one of the UAE’s many free zones, such as Dubai Internet City or Jebel Ali Free Zone. Free zones offer benefits like 100% foreign ownership and tax exemptions. The free zone authority handles the visa process, which is generally quicker and more straightforward than the mainland visa process. However, free zone employees are typically restricted to working within the free zone or internationally, with some limitations on mainland business activities.

Green visa:

The Green Visa is a relatively new type of visa introduced by the UAE to attract skilled workers, freelancers, and investors. It allows holders to sponsor themselves without the need for a company sponsor. The Green Visa is valid for five years and can be renewed. It is particularly beneficial for those who want to have more flexibility and control over their employment status in the UAE.

Remote work visa:

UAE has introduced a remote work visa, allowing individuals employed by companies outside the UAE to reside in the UAE while working remotely. This visa is ideal for digital nomads and remote workers who wish to take advantage of the UAE’s high standard of living and excellent infrastructure. Applicants must provide proof of employment, a minimum salary requirement, and health insurance coverage.

Temporary work visa:

Temporary work visas are issued for short-term employment in the UAE. They are ideal for projects or assignments lasting a few months. The visa process is similar to that of a standard employment visa, but the duration is limited, typically ranging from three to six months. Employers must provide a contract specifying the temporary nature of the job.